Kenny's Gentleman's Race Re-Cap

Saturday's race went off without a hitch! The weather was beautiful and stayed cool and temperate through out the day. Spirits were high and stayed high as we climbed Mt Pisgah to the Parkway then had a leisurely descent. A slow paced ride over to Dolly's for a delicious ice cream cone eaten slowly so as to savor the deliciousness followed by a leisurely climb up Avery Creek. Everybody was fresh at the top so we decided to keep going. So much laughter, it was almost contagious! Josh was especially talkative. Will was having so much fun he donned a wool sweater and cap! The gravel and dirt roads were in great shape, like riding on pavement at times. Thanks to my cross tires, loss of traction was never an issue! The temps stayed cool, even in the sun so whatever climbing there was never that strenuous. Around mile 60, I had to pull the plug as I had a wedding in Spartanburg to attend. Too bad really as my legs were feeling great. Could've gone another 60 miles on those wonderful gravel roads. Everybody looked fresh at that point. Especially Josh who was all smiles and sunshine. This ride was almost too easy but it was well worth it! I can't wait for the next one!

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